Saturday 11 February 2012

Pinoky Gives Stuffed Animals Their Lives

Stuffed animals used to be inanimate toys that can only get moved by
the humans; but now they can successfully move on their own, with the
aid of the Pinoky—a small, ring-like device that wirelessly brings
stuffed animals to "life". It uses a micro controller, a Zigbee input
device and a servo motor system to move an animal's hands and legs,
also with a set of photo sensors designed to measure the angle at
which it bends. Thus simply pin the Pinoky onto your stuffed animals,
and you will then see them move and dance automatically. Really funny,
huh? You can get it as a Christmas gift for your kids.

Designer: Snuggleberry, Cuddlekins & Puddles

Yuta Sugiura, Keio University and Japan Science and Technology Agency
Calista Lee, Keio University
Anusha Withana, Keio University
Yasutoshi Makino, Keio University
Masahiko Inami, Keio University and Japan Science and Technology Agency
Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo and Japan Science and Technology Agency

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