Thursday 15 December 2011

Singapore Invention ITwin Bags Best Of What's New Award

SINGAPORE, Dec 13 (Bernama) -- A Singapore-invented plug-and-play file
sharing device, iTwin, has been winning awards for its innovative properties
and unique design since its launch less than two years ago.

The latest win was the "2011's Best of What's New Award" from Popular
Science Magazine in the computing category in November 2011.

The remote file access solution, iTwin was among the top 100 new tech
products to be selected from thousands of products and technologies
globally reviewed by the editors of the magazine.

iTwin was developed in the laboratories of the Institute for Infocomm
Research (I2R), a Research Institute of Singapore's Agency for Science,
Technology and Research (A*STAR).

Officially launched in the market in October 2010, this easy-to-use plugand-
play device consists of two parts and can transfer data safely between
any two online computers.

Commenting on the award, iTwin Co-founder and chief executive officer
Lux Anantharaman said there was huge potential in iTwin as it could
ultimately replace the portable storage market which currently comprises
flash drives, portable hard disks and memory cards.


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